
If you're looking for solutions but don't know where to start, Van Paridon Consulting will help!

Managing a dental practice and performing Dentistry every day is not a simple task. Joan became interested in Dental Practice management many years ago when she was sales manager for Canadian Dental Supply. As she visited clients and heard their concerns and challenges, it became her focus to listen and provide insight and options for solutions.

Often being a sounding board allowed Dentists or office managers to see different perspectives and therefore, try different approaches for success. When we are in the middle of a challenge, it can be very difficult to see the proverbial “forest for the trees”.

Joan endeavours to provide as much unbiased information allowing Dentists to make informed decisions.

Please contact Van Paridon Consulting to schedule a phone consultation. If we are able to assist you, we work at an hourly rate. If I cannot assist you, I may know of another consultant or service that could help.